1: Pull and hold headlight flasher toward you.
2: Insert key in the ignition and turn to position 1...allows headlight to operate
3: Release and flash the headlight 4 additional times. (In some cases, only three times will be necessary.) Alarm will enter programing mode indicated by a chime and or a flash from the led light by the shifter
4: Program the transmitter by pressing the unlock or lock button. The horn should beep and or the led light up. You need to press the remote so that the horn/ light goes off 5 times. Then turn the key off and try the remote.
Note: (If you had other remotes to program, you would need to press the other remote buttons at least once, but maintain the 5 total beeps)
我試過是無法完成 還是要靠專用設備如VCM去設定